I have no idea how i got in this but this is it
fuck the haters
The grotesque body in contemporary art.
Haifa museum of art.
Curator: Tami Katz-Freiman
Opening: saturday, july 18th 2009, 8:30pm
Closing: january 2010
The exhibition includes works by Gili Avissar, Boyan, Zoya Cherkassky, Ofri Cnaani, Nathalie Djurberg, Ofir Dor, Oren Eliav, Roey Heifetz, Michal Helfman, Shay Id Alony, Sara Kahana, Yuri Kats, Meital Katz-Minerbo, Katarzyna Kozyra, Marik Lechner, Peter Jacob Maltz, Robert Melee, Assi Meshulam, Adi Nachshon, Gabby Nathan, Sasha Okun, Erwin Olaf, Ada Ovadia, Galia Pasternak, Uri Radovan, Netally Schlosser, Allison Schulnik, Heidi Stern, Anan Tzuckerman, Rakefet Viner Omer, Nadav Weissman, Michal Yaniv, Gil Yefman, Shira Zelwer, ZeroCents.
Most of the people are shit but theres a few good ones

Self portrait fuck you
Another self portrait a.k.a. "Loser"

Acrylic and spray paint on paper 50x70